Prof. Sherwood - HNRC 101 - Unit A - Knowing and Believing

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Writing Journal Tracking Spreadsheet | Additional Readings and Resources

Week 07

thesis paper assignment | Tracking Spreadsheet

  1. Monday 10/7 - Revised drafts due (online) for Prof Conference
  2. 10/8 -10 - Conferences and preparation for group presentations
  3. 10/14 and 10/15: group presentations.

Via D2L: Presentation Description | Rubric


From Friday: Group 05- Synthesis: Beginning with either “Omphalos” or “Anxiety”, think broadly about issues raised around knowing, thinking and human relationships (themes, challenges faced by characters, imagination of an alternative world). Now choose one other story from Chiang (“Lifecycle,” “What's Expected,” “Dacey's..”, “Truth of Fact,” “Great Silence”) and explain whether it parallels “Omphalos” or “Anxiety” and implies an argument or position about humans and technology.

Unit Presentations

  1. Review group presentation framework and goals
  2. Meet with your group
    1. Discuss possible foci
    2. Discuss what you'd like to cover and how to make it compelling and coherent for students from other units; it should have a title and a focus, much like an essay. Consider which readings you might discuss and which you'll exclude. What can you share that will be compelling to peers? “Everything we talked about with Sherwood” is not a focus. “Our three favorite things from Unit A” might be narrow, but it still isn't compelling or coherent for folks outside your class.
    3. Make notes in a word file; do not jump to slides; share the notes as a file on the tracker sheet



Your goals from last class were to:

  1. choose a focus
  2. narrow down the selection of course materials
  3. post notes (including a title) to the tracker.

Today your goals are:

  1. make an outline (*add this to your planning document)
    1. remember that you will speak more than is on the slides; so your outline should show your true “coherence” while snippets will appear on the slides
  2. begin to draft slides
  3. share link to draft slideshow with permission for comment (or if you use Google Slides).

Further group work. Solidify focus, begin to create slides.

The slide deck is the visual complement to what you will say. Do not lapse into tag team where each group mate creates one slide independently. You should all be familiar with the whole script.



  • How do you turn in your essays?
    • Due: one week after our conference (i.e. Mon-Thurs next week)
  • Any questions on cover letters?
    • Remember to address your process AND any use of AI


Dress rehearsal. Run your presentation (with an audience if possible) then debrief as a group.

  • 12 minutes
  • bring the energy
  • engage your audience

New Unit

Unit B begins on Thursday (a week from today) with the Unit Lecture in the Great Hall


No class meeting. Work with your group if more rehearsal is needed. Continue to work on essay revisions; final drafts and cover letters are due one week after your conference (i.e. Mon - Thurs).