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Week 14

Note: presentation day in the syllabus was incorrect. Unit presentations are next Monday 12/5 (class time) and Tues 12/6 (final time: 10:20am).

Individual Paper Conferences - you must sign-up for an appointment Sign Up Here - Tab 1

(*I will aim to hold most of these in Whitmyre, in the lounge behind the classroom. If I am coming from another class/meeting, it may have to be in Jane Leonard or via Zoom. Please take note of the location as well as time for which you are signing up!)

The revised draft is due to be uploaded for Sherwood's review at class time Monday, 11/28 to IUP OneNote Class Notebook. This is the draft I will use for our paper conferences. It should show improvements based on your classmates' feedback.

Unit Presentations are next week. You will develop these in small groups. Here are the unit-b-presentation-guidelines. Presentation Groups Tab2 Rooms TBD


  • Class Meeting
  • Paper conferences begin today
    • Please sign up for a conference;
    • If you did not meet the peer review deadline, you should sign up for a tutoring session via the IUP Writing Center in order to get full revision credit.
    • I want to read your revised draft (not your rough draft).
  • Final round of E-lit Championship
  • Review Unit Presentation guidelines and groups


For theses AND/OR presentations, remember to connect with the issue of value: good/bad. Options?

Your group presentation should have a focus / coherence, almost like a thesis. It SHOULD NOT come off as a sequence of general summaries (“Next we read … X”). Discuss this purpose and focus first. Then choose texts as examples. And only then worry about building the slide show.

In our first week of class, we talked about Barbara Herrnstein Smith's framework (value is produced through evaluation, based on tacit assumptions and asserted in a way that has salience depending upon, x, y, and z. Consider revisiting this reading and our application to Instapoetry link.

Eagleton suggests “good” literature is complicated by time period / ideology. What a Romantic might value would not satisfy a Modernist, etc.

Cage and Duchamp theorize and demonstrate how certain works can themselves challenge and maybe change the very criteria of evaluation in their spheres. What about e-lit? Is the e-lit you explored similarly experimental?

Perhaps the only “bad” answer to questions around value is saying: “it's all subjective” – a conclusion that really says nothing.

  • Paper conferences
  • Class meeting
    • Group work - presentation preparation
    • Questions about Presentations?


  • Paper conferences
  • Work with your group out of class if needed; communicate.


  • Paper Conferences
  • Classtime:
    • Groups - check-in with Sherwood;
    • draft slides / presentation plan should be shared with commenting enabled via the group roster spreadsheet, tab 2. Provide a link to either an Office 360 or Google Slide show.


  • Paper conferences
  • No class meeting - Final, group slides due by noon.

Final thesis papers - upload to OneDrive one week after your conferences.

Cover letter should be included as a separate upload. Cover Letter Overview

Remember that your final essays are graded on the basis of Content, Organization, Mechanics and REVISION.

weeksb/week14.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/01 15:47 by admin