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Prof. Kenneth Sherwood

UnitA | UnitB Overview

Common syllabus: PDF |

Sherwood Unit B Syllabus PDF | UnitB Overview | UnitB - Calendar and major assignment milestones

Link to Unit B MS Teams | IUP OneNote Class Notebook | Perusall Unit B

Prior Weeks: week8 | week9 | week10 | week11 | week12 | week13 | week14 |

Note: presentation day in the syllabus was incorrect. Unit presentations are next Monday 12/5 (class time) and Tues 12/6 (final time: 10:20am).

Final thesis papers - upload to OneDrive one week after your conferences.

Cover letter should be included as a separate upload. Cover Letter Overview

Remember that your final essays are graded on the basis of Content, Organization, Mechanics and REVISION.

Your Unit A professor will also be checking on your Fine Arts participation. Please be sure to document the concerts and plays you attended.

start.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/05 16:25 by admin