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Week 13


Pair Preparation - Tournament

  1. Review your paragraph write-up
  2. Consider key points for introducing the work to peers and persuading of its value
    1. Features of the work; relevant criteria
  3. Work on three slides in the Google Show (linked above)

(Slides from 2021)

Homework: Reflect on readings throughout the unit and your exposure to E-lit so far. Visit the OneNote class notebook and consider the four main options for approaching your thesis paper (critical review, interpretation, theory, and genre). In the “Brainstorming” space, write a paragraph each for at least two of these options.



Finishing Tournament Preparation

  1. Check your slides
  2. Review details (including working links, titles without typos)
  3. Have you introduced the work clearly for a new audience?
  4. Have you made a clear claim of value (based on specific criteria)?

We'll initiate the tournament on Thursday. Each group will have five minutes total to present!

Thesis Paper

  1. Students Read Unit B Thesis paper Assignment overview
  2. Questions

In-class writing

  • Thesis Planning Document
    • Decide on what broad approach you want to take
    • Decide on what work(s) you'll discuss
    • Do you have a critical source; what is one critical hinge you'll adopt from this source?
    • A long essay does not always have the thesis statement in the first paragraph
    • Compose a Working Title, Working Thesis, and Working Introduction

Homework: Finish in-class writing (thesis paper topic development) and post to OneDrive for feedback.

If your slides are not yet ready, be sure to polish them; and discuss with your partner how you'll handle presenting.


Tournament Begins


Criteria are a necessary element in articulating a persuasive argument about value. But, note, sometimes the criteria you choose effect the results. In another respect, if you advance criteria that your readers don't accept – then they may also reject your value judgement. So often we have to explain and sometimes justify our selection of criteria.

This is relevant to your tournament presentations and your thesis papers.

Tournament continues (ends?)

Day 2 Slides

  • Team Playthrough
  • Classmate questions
  • What (if any) are our shared criteria for good e-literature?

The class notebook does not easily allow collaboration among students. You will use IUP Office 360 Word Online documents to get and give comments on your peers.

Thanksgiving Break

We do not meet face to face this week. A complete rough draft of your thesis paper will be due online by Monday at 10am.

  1. Upload a PDF to your space on the Onedrive for Sherwood
  2. Share the IUP Word Online link with your classmates via this Spreadsheet

Monday class time, afternoon, before bed: you should review two classmates' essays:

  1. providing online comments feedback (in the margins)
  2. paste the linked review worksheet at the bottom of your classmates' essay draft in Word Online and provide additional feedback.

Tuesday, you should review and incorporate that feedback and work on your revised draft. The revised draft is due to be uploaded for Sherwood's review at class time Monday, 11/28 to IUP OneNote Class Notebook. This is the draft I will use for our paper conferences. It should show improvements based on your classmates' feedback.

Useful Resources

See Sherwood's:

Also, see Purdue Owl for advice on:

Remember too, that many good arguments can include description, stories, comparison, and analysis if it serves your overall thesis.

Online Sharing Help

<html> <iframe src=“” width=“640” height=“360” frameborder=“0” scrolling=“no” allowfullscreen title=“Recording-20221118_112248.webm”></iframe> </html>

weeksb/week13.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/28 14:57 by admin