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Week 10

Fall Pause

Mesostics - Shared via MS Teams.

Can a mesostic be a poem? Only when John Cage makes one? How would we go about discussing and evaluating?

  1. Does knowing the method (and/or intention) behind this text effect our reading of it?
  2. Does a mesostic written “by hand” differ from one creating using a tool like we used?
  3. Can a mesostic be a poem? Are all mesostics poems? Only when John Cage makes one?
  4. If yes, could it be a good poem? And how would know?
  5. What's the relation between a mesostic poem, 4'33“ and Duchamp's readymade “The Fountain”?


The journal The Blind Man provides an important context for “The Fountain;” in a sense, we might not be discussing this piece if it weren't for the journal. While The Fountain was supposed to be exhibited by the Society of Independents, they quickly rejected it – and it was apparently destroyed (replicas were later “made” and collected by many museums but not the “original”). So, few people got to see the actual piece. Instead they read about it in the newspaper, saw Stieglitz' photo, and learned about it from the magazine. This is a primary historical source. What can you infer about the overall ethos of this time, and the things that interest the poems and painters represented in this limited edition magazine (or its implied audience) edited in NYC by Duchamp?

Duchamp and "The Fountain"

  1. What were/are some of the issues surrounding Duchamp's “The Fountain”?
    1. (What were the issues in 1917? why was it rejected? and now?)
  2. What happens when writers/artists set out to make work that deliberately challenges the rules/conventions/expectations for value?
  3. What are some of the values that they challenged?
  4. (What connections do you see with value in Cage's 4'33” or Rupi Kaur's Instagram poems? )
  5. How would you connect this with your reading of Barbara Herrnstein Smith's “Value/Evaluation”?

Duchamp, readymades, and institutional critique. The Art Assignment, PBS Digital Studios () Art or Prank and Duchamp's Fountain Kahn video.

The Blind Man

  1. What is/was “The Blind Man”?
  2. What relationship do you perceive between the material on Duchamp's “The Fountain” and the writing in the magazine, especially the poetry? What kind of poetry would you expect to find alongside such art?

“The Blind Man”: (esp. pp 4-6, 8) via Perusall

Homework Read the remainder of “The Blind Man,” paying attention to how the poetry has elements of the ready-made, breaks other conventions, or otherwise participates in (or stimulates) the conversation around what is good and bad. See especially, “O Marcel” …

Did Duchamp even create “The Fountain”? There's strong evidence that the idea came from another artist, A Woman in the Men's Room - Guardian article on Elsa Von Freytag Loringhoven


pick up from last class

See questions 3, 4, and 5 - making connections.

Discussing the relation of art, poetry, expectations, institutions/ "standards" in the _Blind Man_.

A. “Authorship” and value

  1. Why are some pieces of art or poetry not “signed”? (See also pieces that are “initialed”)
  2. What is the significance of the “anonymity” of R Mutt?
  3. What is the significance of the anonymous “Letter from a Mother”? link?
  4. How would this discussion change if we agreed Duchamp should not be credited with the Fountain? (See Stieglitz note recommending a ban on “author/artist” credits for works:(pg 15) i.e. that all art should be evaluated anonymously.
  5. What do you make of the evidence that Duchamp may not be the “maker” of the Fountain? And why is the art world reluctant to withdraw credit? And what does it mean to argue over the artist who created a “readymade”?

B. Good Modernist Poetry

  1. In what ways do the poems in this journal also reflect challenges to some conventional ideas of good poetry?
  2. See esp. these three poems. How does each challenge a “convention” or a reader's expectation?
    1. Bob Brown “Eyes on the Half Shell” link
    2. Charles Duncan “Third Dimension” link
    3. Charles DeMuth “For Richard Mutt” link
    4. Mina Loy, “O'Marcel” link
  3. Compare these to another Modernist poem by Elsa Von Freytag Loringhoven.

We may not have time, but it would be interesting to consider how Marcel Duchamp's own poems relate to his art. And what is with these visual artists and composers who also write poetry? (See: SurCensure. )


Read and respond to the first half of Terry Eagleton's chapter “Value” from How to Read Literature via Perusall

weeksb/week10.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/28 14:03 by admin