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Each HNRC 101 unit closes with small-group presentations. You will work with a team to develop a presentation you'll share with other classes on

On Thur and Fri 10/6 and 10/7 your group will move to another classroom and be prepared to teach your core classmates from other sections.

Some class time will be available for this on Monday and Tuesday, but there will be individual work outside of class. You may need to schedule additional small group preparation meetings.

  1. 5 slides
  2. 20 words each (excl. selective quotation)
  3. 12 minutes pres
  4. 8 minutes discussion

Be selective. Engage your audience by teaching something about the highlights of what you learned, discussed, or wrestled with. Summarize for 12 minutes, the audience will want die. Read off the slides, they'll want to kill you. Rehearse (seriously, do a dry run with your group). Slides and script should be coherent – not like 5 people each created their own random slide.




Group and Room Assignments (Sherwood Groups)


unit-a/presentations.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/29 15:51 by admin