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It may help you to consider that I will grade essays holistically on the basis of four broad categories:


  • degree of thoughtfulness, richness of information provided or strength of claims made;


  • effective presentation, including thesis, detail or support, paragraph form, transitions, and coherence;


  • essay format and such sentence-level elements as punctuation, spelling, and word choice; and


  • evidence of effort and quality of changes made to preliminary drafts, especially in response to peer-critique.

Generally, an “A” paper should be strong in all four areas; a “B” paper is strong in at least three areas and not poor in any; a “C” paper should be adequate in at least three areas; a “D” paper is inadequate in two areas; and “F” paper is inadequate in three or more areas.

Note that the Short Essay does not have a full revision process built in; so the emphasis is really on the the first three domains, with content/organization being the most important

essay-guidance/sherwood_comr_guide.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/12 02:16 by admin