====== Week 14 ====== Note:__ presentation day in the syllabus was incorrect__. Unit presentations are next **Monday 12/5** (class time) and **Tues 12/6** (final time: 10:20am). **Individual Paper Conference**s - you must sign-up for an appointment [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WSJQwwkrPUG7R7iBjCItNXr5z-5nLbxRQH-dHC0HDeE/edit?usp=sharing|Sign Up Here - Tab 1]] (*I will aim to hold most of these in Whitmyre, in the lounge behind the classroom. If I am coming from another class/meeting, it may have to be in Jane Leonard or via Zoom. Please take note of the location as well as time for which you are signing up!) The **revised draft is due** to be uploaded for Sherwood's review at **class time Monday, 11/28** to [[https://iup0-my.sharepoint.com/personal/sherwood_iup_edu/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={b94c5e19-d32e-45ea-998c-ac19abfcf373}&action=edit&wd=target%28_Teacher%20Only%2FUsing%20the%20Teacher%20Only%20Space.one%7C%2FShort%20Essay%20%E2%80%93%20Final%7Cef8c2531-4379-46b6-a6a2-fc8994c07268%2F%29&wdorigin=NavigationUrl|IUP OneNote Class Notebook]]. This is the draft I will use for our paper conferences. It should show improvements based on your classmates' feedback. Unit Presentations are next week. You will develop these in small groups. Here are the [[unit-b-presentation-guidelines]]. [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WSJQwwkrPUG7R7iBjCItNXr5z-5nLbxRQH-dHC0HDeE/edit?usp=sharing|Presentation Groups Tab2]] Rooms TBD ===== Monday ===== * Class Meeting * Paper conferences begin today * Please sign up for a conference; * If you did not meet the peer review deadline, you should sign up for a tutoring session via the [[https://www.iup.edu/writingcenter/index.html|IUP Writing Center]] in order to get full revision credit. * I want to read your revised draft (not your rough draft). * Final round of E-lit Championship * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v6KvYoF_M788NQgnjGk34YLVXU9daXzTFBfBQekCirs/edit?usp=sharing|bracket]] * Launch Poll [[https://www.polleverywhere.com/activities|here]] * [[https://pollev.com/kennethsherwood434|Poll]] * Review Unit Presentation guidelines and groups ===== Tuesday ===== For theses AND/OR presentations, remember to connect with the issue of value: good/bad. Options? Your group presentation should have a focus / coherence, almost like a thesis. It SHOULD NOT come off as a sequence of general summaries ("Next we read ... X"). **Discuss this purpose and focus first. Then choose texts as examples. And only then worry about building the slide show.** In our first week of class, we talked about Barbara Herrnstein Smith's framework (value is produced through evaluation, based on tacit assumptions and asserted in a way that has salience depending upon, x, y, and z. Consider revisiting this reading and our application to Instapoetry [[http://kennethsherwood.com/hnrc101-fa2022/doku.php?id=weeksb:week8|link]]. Eagleton suggests "good" literature is complicated by time period / ideology. What a Romantic might value would not satisfy a Modernist, etc. Cage and Duchamp theorize and demonstrate how certain works can themselves challenge and maybe change the very criteria of evaluation in their spheres. What about e-lit? Is the e-lit you explored similarly experimental? Perhaps the only "bad" answer to questions around value is saying: "it's all subjective" -- a conclusion that really says nothing. * Paper conferences * Class meeting * Group work - presentation preparation * Questions about [[weeksb:unit-b-presentation-guidelines|Presentations]]? ===== Wednesday ===== * Paper conferences * Work with your group out of class if needed; communicate. ===== Thursday ===== * Paper Conferences * Classtime: * Groups - check-in with Sherwood; * draft slides / presentation plan should be shared with commenting enabled via the group roster [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WSJQwwkrPUG7R7iBjCItNXr5z-5nLbxRQH-dHC0HDeE/edit?usp=sharing|spreadsheet, tab 2]]. Provide a link to either an Office 360 or Google Slide show. ===== Friday ===== * Paper conferences * No class meeting - Final, group slides due by noon. Final thesis papers - upload to OneDrive one week after your conferences. Cover letter should be included as a separate upload. [[http://kennethsherwood.com/hnrc101-fa2022/doku.php?id=weeks:cover_letter_details|Cover Letter Overview]] Remember that your final essays are graded on the basis of **Content**, **Organization,** **Mechanics** and REVISION.